What Is Fitfulness?
Fitfulness is not the absence of anything, it is the feeling of possessing something, a sense of completeness or wholeness. It is also a quality of liking oneself and being happy with one’s self. It refers to one’s being in union with himself as a whole, an integrated whole.
As the synonym for wholeness, fitfulness has a positive connotation. Wholeness can be described as complete and total, giving one a complete psychological make-up. However fitfulness is not the same as being bland or dull. It is more of a comparative quality – one might call it a quality of liking oneself, of being happy with one’s self, and of being in tune with himself and others.
A lot of psychologists, educators, and other people have felt that we are often in fits of fitfulness these days. For some people this leads to depression, anxiety, and other such psychological problems. So it is important that we pay more attention to ourselves, to our own well-being, health, and happiness. Fitfulness can be resisted by taking care not to get trapped in it. Rather, by getting ourselves motivated, getting active, and finding new interests and activities to share with friends and family we can all but fight fitfulness and find the true meaning of self-love and being whole.