Health and Wellness

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a state of full physical, emotional and social well being and not just the absence of illness and infirmity. A wide variety of definitions have also been applied to health since the beginning of time. In the English language, the synonyms for health are health, well being, and healthy. The dictionary definition is “the state of being good.” In the medical language, the synonym for health is health, which is defined as “exceeding the normal limits of the human body.” By the common standard of grammar, the word health has a definite meaning, whereas the synonyms are usually used loosely.

The challenge for every individual is to live a well-balanced life in which health and well-being are achieved. A well-balanced life is one in which all the major components of the person’s life are functioning well. It may mean having a good relationship with others, being financially secure, maintaining a positive vision, and exercising regularly. A healthy life is one in which all the major components of the person’s life are functioning well. The acronym for Health is H. Hence, when referring to health problems, the most common word that should be used is H.

One must keep in mind that when the word “disease” is mentioned, it does not mean that a person will get a particular disease. Diseases are preventable conditions. There are many preventive measures and treatments available for most high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases. Prevention is better than cure.