Eating Well Magazine – Women’s Guide to Dieting by Sally Schaeder

Food is any material eaten for its nutritive value, to provide nutrition to an individual organism. Generally speaking food is generally of animal, plant or fungi origin, and has various key nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, and minerals. The human body requires various quantities of food throughout the day, depending on our activities. Our body has a requirement for carbohydrates at breakfast, for proteins at lunch, for vitamins and minerals at dinner, and so on. Our blood type also affects our requirement for food, with the B group requiring a higher blood sugar concentration than the A group, who require a lower concentration.

Some food has a more universal effect on nutrition than others. Some foods are rich in the nutrients necessary to maintain health, and some are deficient, or are considered poor diet. Some are rich in both vitamins and minerals, while others lack either one or both. Meat, fish and certain shellfish are very rich in protein and iron, which are the two essential nutrients for the building of the human body. Milk is an excellent source of calcium, and certain vegetables, whole grains, nuts and fruits have significant amounts of certain other minerals, including potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, bromine, selenium, iodine, zinc, vitamin C and thiamin.

Fruit and vegetables are generally low in calories and low in fat, making them excellent dietary choices. In order to obtain a sufficient amount of the nutrients your body needs, it is important to eat a wide variety of foods from each food group. You should eat several small portioned meals each day rather than eating large meals every few hours. To see a sample menu for a healthy daily diet, check out the “Women’s Health” Eating Well booklet by Prevention Magazine.